Operating Costs of Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways

Topic: Company Information
Words: 202 Pages: 1

According to official reports published on the Internet and related data, the cost per ASK, revenue per RPK, break-even load, and labor productivity on average were calculated, taking into account the number of personnel. The relevant data are entered in the Tables 1 and 2 and the formulas that were used are indicated for accuracy.

Table 1. Raw Data for the Financial Year

Qatar Airways, 01 Apr 2021 – 31 Mar 2022 Etihad Airways, 01 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2021
Available Seat Kilometres (ASK) 159,947,000,000 16,430,000,000
Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPK) 118,360,780,000 14,129,800,000
Operating Expenses $ 2,308,390,153 $ 390,000,000
Operating Revenue $ 8,073,324,067 $ 1,230,000,000
Passengers 18,549,000 98,000,000
Employees 41,026 18,510

Table 2. Comparison of Qatar Airways and Etihad Airways

Qatar Airways Etihad Airways
Cost of Available Seat Kilometre (CASK = Operating Expenses / ASK) $ 0,014 $ 0,023
Revenue per Revenue Passenger Kilometre (RRPK = Passenger Revenue/ RPK) $ 0,018 $ 0,022
Break Even Load Factor (BELF = CASK / RRPK) 77% 104%
Employee Productivity (exchange rate used is actual on 12.28.2022) $ 196,785 per employee/year = 163,710 GBP $ 66,450 per employee/year = 55,282 GBP

Reference List

Etihad Airways soars to record-breaking first half profit as transformation pays off (2022) Etihad.com. Web.

Qatar Airways Group (2021) Qatar Airways Group releases its 2020/21 annual report, Qatar Airways Official Website. Web.

The statistics portal (no date) Statista. Web.