Professional Summary Machine

Our teachers share tons of different information with us, expecting us to keep it all neat and organized in our heads. Is that fair—or even possible?! From now on, you can easily solve the problem of information overload by using our Summarizer online tool to compress any important text into a 10-sentence summary.

Copy & paste your text to generate summary

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Here is your summary:


🔥 Summarizing Machine Advantages

An academic summary can have various uses:

  • It helps students to prepare flashcards for exams and discussions;
  • It provides critical points for presentations and diagrams;
  • It helps include indirect in-text quotes to an essay or research paper;
  • It adds credibility to the text by offering arguments from various experts;
  • It assists in understanding and memorizing the material.

Thus, students can’t really study without summarizing at least some documents. Yet, the task can take lots of time, especially if the given text is longer than a passage or a couple of pages.

Thankfully, our summary machine can do all the hard work for you! Not only does automatic summarization allow capturing only the essential details, but it saves time. Besides, it’s free, so you don’t have to worry about additional expenses.

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Available 24/7 Online

As a result, you’ll need to learn how to summarize texts for cases when you have no Internet connection. So, we’ve provided some basic information and tips below.

👌 What Is Text Summarization?

We often hear that summarization is a valuable skill for any student. It’s integral to writing an academic paper, citing sources, and learning new material. However, is it useful to understand how to create summaries? Or can you solely depend on automatic tools like our summarize machine?

We’ve discussed these topics further below, but first, let’s see the definition.

What Is Summary?

A summary is a cut-down version of some material. It is usually provided in a written form, covering only the source’s central points. Students generally deal with shortening long passages or academic works throughout their studies. Thus, we should focus on summarizing a document.

Text summarization refers to shortening long pieces of essays, academic research papers, articles, books, or other materials. Its goal is to reduce the number of words but keep the original meaning intact. Therefore, any text summary has to contain all the main points while being formulated in the writer’s own phrases. As a result, it should demonstrate a strong understanding of the material.

✒️ Text Summarization Techniques for Students

Finding a suitable approach to each text or task you’re dealing with is vital. However, it’s also quite helpful if you have a technique that works only for you. Here, we have gathered several strategies that will help you create your summary.

  1. Process-Oriented Strategy. It relies on a student creating a mental outline of the content. It centers attention on the meaning of each presented passage. Rather than trying to find substitutes for words or sentences, you will create a list of main points or messages delivered by every excerpt. The advantage of this method is the clarification you get from rephrasing the text to summarize it.
  2. “First Then Finally.” This is an excellent technique to use when you read a textbook or listen to a lecture. It makes you capture the sequence of events or rules in the correct order. Thus, you will have structured data in your notes that will help you recall what was said or written. The strategy is also easy to follow – simply ask:
    1. What was the theory?/What happened first? (First)
    2. What was done then?/What followed? (Then)
    3. What were the results/How did it end? (Finally)
  3. “Get the GIST.” It is one of the most time-saving techniques as it suggests students create a summary without re-reading the article. Recall only the main points without excessive details as if you’re retelling the material to your friend. Give the “gist” of the content. Most probably, the key information is the one that remained in the memory from the first read.
  4. “Reader’s Digest” Approach. Yes, you can learn from a well-known magazine. This strategy aims to highlight the main idea without the summary getting too wordy. It’s perfect for taking notes as it doesn’t take much time and simplifies complicated material. Upon reading a passage or the whole, write 3-5 sentences that translate the message. Take keywords from the source but make sure to write everything else in your own words. Don’t try to separate one point from another – provide an overview instead.
  5. SAAC Method. This technique enables students to include all the elements of a summary by memorizing one acronym. It’s useful for those who tend to forget some important features. Yet, it doesn’t explain how to structure the summary or what information to provide. So, consider using it with another strategy or solely for citing sources.

Read the text one time and answer according to the SAAC acronym:

🖊️ State What is the title?
🖊️ Assign Who is the author?
🖊️ Action What did the author do?
🖊️ Complete What details can you add? Keywords?

Thank you for reading this article! We hope our summary machine will help you with your text. Further down, you can find FAQs regarding our tool. Note that you can use your free essay scrambler if you need to make paraphrase a text quickly. We also offer a collection of free study apps that will match your other needs. Tell your friends about these online instruments if you find them helpful!

❔ Summarize Machine - Frequently Asked Questions

❔ What is a summary tool?

A text summarizer is an online Artificial intelligence-based tool that can cut down a text of any complexity. It shortens a long piece to its main points automatically, making the content easy for you to read and understand. As it is a machine, it works 24/7 and delivers results in a few seconds.

❔ How do you summarize a passage online?

It can be time-consuming to summarize lengthy material. An online tool can do the same work as you do faster and without struggles. All you have to do is copy the original text, paste it into summarizing machine, click the button, and enjoy the result.

❔ How do you summarize a PDF?

Unfortunately, our summary machine doesn’t provide you with an opportunity to download files. So, if you need to summarize a PDF document, copy and paste the text in the field and click the button. If you can't copy the content, try to find another file version or retype the needed passage.


📍 References

  1. Strategies for Analysis of Text | Teaching Writing, Boston University
  2. 5 Easy Summarizing Strategies for Students | Kris Bales, ThoughtCo
  3. Summarizing – How to Effectively Summarize the Work of Others | Julia Lane, Simon Fraser University
  4. Summary – Using it Wisely | The University of North Carolina