Unplagiarize Your Way to Academic Success: Tool + Tips

Donโ€™t let accidental plagiarism ruin your academic careerโ€”ensure that your text is unplagiarized with this simple handy tool!

Unplagiarize Your Text

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Plagiarism is the copying of someone else's work, ideas, or words and pretending they are your own without giving proper credit. Creating original papers can be challenging, and many students need help figuring out how to write a thorough and original research paper. We have developed a handy tool to quickly and efficiently unplagiarize your work. Also, in this article, we will tell you about the consequences of plagiarism and how to prevent it.

Let's get started!

โœจ 5 Advantages of the Unplagiarize Checker

In this section, we want to discuss the positive aspects of using our unplagiarize tool. This instrument is:

๐Ÿ’ธ Free of charge We want our tools to assist you during the most crucial moments. That is why we will never charge you for using our generators.
โฒ Fast and efficient You can instantly get your unplagiarized text without any additional registrations or extra steps.
๐Ÿ”ง Handy to use Since the size of your work can be different, we have ensured that it is convenient for you to check both a small paragraph or a larger essay.
๐Ÿฆบ Safe and reliable We understand how essential it is for our users to keep their privacy and ensure the security of their papers. To this end, we do not store your uploaded text and supporting data.
๐Ÿค– Groundbreaking technology Our unplagiarize tool is based on artificial intelligence. Thatโ€™s why you can ensure that it produces precise results.

๐Ÿค“ Popular Misconceptions about Plagiarism

Students often misunderstand what constitutes as plagiarism and therefore unwittingly get into trouble for seemingly innocuous things. You have to pay attention to the following misconceptions to avoid any issues:

  • Misunderstanding of intellectual property.

    Students may not distinguish between what is seen as common knowledge and other peopleโ€™s intellectual property. Remember that even information that is available in the public domain needs to be properly credited and cited.

  • Utilizing information from the Internet.

    Remember that if you have taken data from online resources, you should also cite it. If you find online libraries or databases, all of these materials are someone else's intellectual property and require attribution.

  • Misperception of plagiarism.

    You may think that plagiarism refers only to direct copying of text. However, using someone else's ideas and findings without proper citation is also considered stealing. This is why it is important to study the citation format of your academic institution and follow the guidelines closely.

๐Ÿ“š Definition of Plagiarism vs Self-Plagiarism

Understanding distinctions between plagiarism and self-plagiarism is significant for maintaining ethical standards in academia, publishing, and professional writing. Letโ€™s check them out:

Plagiarism Self-Plagiarism
Plagiarism involves presenting someone else's work, ideas, or words as your own without proper attribution or credit. It typically occurs when an individual copies content from external sources such as books, articles, or websites and fails to acknowledge the original author or source. Plagiarism is widely regarded as an unethical act that can result in severe consequences, including academic penalties and damage to one's reputation. Self-plagiarism occurs when individuals reuse their previously published paper without appropriate citation, acknowledgment, or permission. It can take the form of republishing an entire paper in a different publication, recycling sections of text, or even submitting the same work for multiple academic courses without disclosure. While it may not involve external sources, self-plagiarism is still considered unethical, as it can mislead readers and compromise the credibility of research.

๐Ÿ’ฅ Plagiarism in Writing & Its Dangers

Knowing the repercussions of plagiarism can motivate you to be more attentive when completing your assignments. Here are some of the unpleasant consequences of plagiarism:

  1. Spoiled academic opportunities.

    A reputation for academic dishonesty can follow students throughout their educational and professional careers, undermining trust among peers and instructors. In academia, plagiarism can result in missed research grants or collaboration opportunities.

  2. Failure, probation, or expulsion.

    Educational institutions rarely have an issue with detecting plagiarism, leading to penalties such as failing grades for assignments or courses. However, repeated plagiarism offenses can lead to academic probation or even expulsion from school.

  3. Impact on mental health.

    You may have high expectations for your work but end up with a negative outcome. It can lead to stress and anxiety and negatively affect well-being. Also, students may feel guilt and a diminished sense of personal integrity.

  4. Stunted personal growth and skills development.

    Plagiarism prevents learners from fully engaging with the educational process and developing their own ideas and opinions, hindering personal and intellectual growth. Also, it deprives them of the opportunity to advance in critical thinking and writing skills.

6 Main Types of Plagiarism in Academic Writing

Contrary to popular belief, plagiarism is not limited to just duplicating other people's papers. Whether you are rewriting someone else's work or citing incorrect sources, you risk your writing being undervalued and getting you in trouble. We recommend that you study the main types of plagiarism listed below so that you donโ€™t accidentally commit one of them:

Aggregate plagiarism. This example of plagiarism involves entirely or almost entirely copying someone elseโ€™s work while also citing the original author. While using quotations is encouraged, they must not comprise more than 10% of your paper. In other words, your writing must still be original.
Verbatim or direct plagiarism. A relatively common type of plagiarism is when students copy someone else's paper in fragments, rewording phrase by phrase, without citing the source.
Mosaic or patchwork plagiarism. This is a technique often used by students. Usually, the structure of another person's work is taken as a basis, supplemented with new details, and also modified with the help of synonyms.
Source-based plagiarism. In this type, the main concern is citations. Source-based plagiarism occurs when you cite a wrong or fictitious source or distort its information.
Multiple-source plagiarism. In case of multiple-source plagiarism, students may mix ideas from different texts. This way, they create their own seemingly original content without providing proper credit.

๐Ÿ’ก Best Tips to Get Rid of Plagiarism in the Text

Here, we propose to familiarize yourself with our best tips on unplagiarizing your work. They will definitely assist you on your academic journey!

๐Ÿ“Œ Provide precise and accurate citations for any ideas, facts, or phrases borrowed from external sources. Use the appropriate citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

๐Ÿ“Œ Plan your writing process, allowing ample time for investigating, drafting, and editing. It will help you reduce the temptation to plagiarize due to time constraints.

๐Ÿ“Œ Practice effective paraphrasing by rephrasing ideas in your own words while providing the original message. Try to using a good essay scrambler to make it easier.

๐Ÿ“Œ Keep detailed notes while researching to help you accurately attribute information to its sources later.

๐Ÿ“Œ Proofread and edit your work to ensure all citations are correct and you haven't accidentally included unattributed content.

๐Ÿ“Œ Include all sources used. Those you have found online and offline โ€“ remember that digital libraries and websites also have copyright information!

๐Ÿ“Œ Use a detection tool to scan your paper for plagiarism before submission.

๐Ÿ“Œ Ensure you properly cite a source or seek guidance from your instructors, tutors, or academic writing centers.

We are excited that youโ€™ve chosen our tool and hope it will help you polish your paper. Remember that the detection of plagiarism isnโ€™t the only thing that could impact your grades. AI writing can also negatively affect your GPA, so be sure to use our AI-generated essay checker to ensure success.

โ” Unplagiarize Tool โ€“ Frequently Asked Questions

โ” Is there a free paraphrasing tool without plagiarizing?

There are free online tools, but they may not guarantee complete avoidance of unintentional plagiarism. You can always run your text through our reliable unplagiarize tool. It's also worth reviewing and editing the paraphrased content and checking citations to ensure originality and accuracy.

โ” Is paraphrasing legal?

Paraphrasing itself is legal as long as it's done correctly, which means rephrasing someone else's work in your own words while still conveying the original meaning. However, failing to provide proper attribution is unethical.

โ” What should you avoid when paraphrasing?

You should avoid copying someoneโ€™s work word-for-word or changing only a few nouns without truly rephrasing. In addition, donโ€™t forget to provide proper citations and donโ€™t give wrong or fictitious resources. Remember, you can change the structure of sentences but cannot make up new concepts.


๐Ÿ“ References

  1. Avoiding Plagiarism โ€“ Comparative Media Studies, MIT
  2. What is Plagiarism? Why Cite? What are the consequences? - College of Staten Island
  3. How to Cite a Website and Online/Electronic Resources - UNSW Sydney
  4. 17 Common Types of Plagiarism - Fiona Gardiner, University Librarian
  5. How Not to Plagiarize โ€“ University of Toronto