Online Essay Scrambler

Writing an academic paper or a blog post can be tough, especially when you have to produce a dozen essays or articles within a short amount of time.

Rephrase any text: copy & paste

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0 100%


Legend and some words add:


  • No suggestions
  • Suggested replacement

Replaced words:

  • Good match
  • Average match
  • Below average match

🔥 Essay Scrambler Advantages

When paraphrasing for an academic paper, students try to formulate their ideas correctly. Yet, with our essay scrambler, you don’t have to think about it. It is a convenient tool that can help you organize texts and find fitting words.

Let’s talk a bit about the tool’s advantages:

✅ It prevents plagiarism. The most significant benefit of our writing software comes from its purpose. The scrambler creates unique academic papers free of plagiarism. Plenty of students find themselves repeating themselves or copying sentences from other sources by accident. That's why you should always polish your essay up upon finishing it. Our tool goes sentence by sentence and comes up with the best way to alter the content without plagiarizing.
✅ It improves the wording. Our essay scrambler can help students improve text quality. It will rewrite any academic text without grammar, spelling, or syntax mistakes. Besides, the tool accurately conveys the meaning intended in the source material. It makes the original message easy to understand, fleshing it out in an engaging way.
✅ It saves you tons of time. Rewriting and reworking a research paper or a short essay manually takes time. Surprisingly, it can take even more hours than writing from scratch. With the automatic tool, you get the paraphrased content in just a few seconds.
✅ It is free and available 24/7. The main perk of online tools is their availability. That’s why our essay scrambler is free and has 24/7 access, which makes it nearly perfect for students. You can scramble your essay last minute or weeks before the deadline - there are no limitations.

🕵️‍♂️ How to Find Perfect Word Replacements

If you want to learn how to scramble texts yourself, we are here to help! Below, check essential tips on finding appropriate synonyms and other substitutions for your terms and phrases.

Here is how you pick perfect word replacements:

  1. Identify the key information relevant to your academic work.
  2. See if you can change the word order without losing the intended meaning.
  3. Select each word you can replace without damage to the message.
  4. Leave all the specific terminology in the text – it tends to lack synonyms.
  5. Brainstorm to replace an unusual word with something you generally implement in your writing.
  6. Use well-known search engines like or to discover new words to convey the message.
  7. Pick each replacement so that it is as relevant and precise as the original phrase.
  8. Determine whether you can write one-word substitutions for wordy phrases without changing the meaning.
  9. Check an online thesaurus or dictionary to ensure that the replacement’s meaning is suitable.
  10. See how the synonym looks in context – does it have the same meaning as the original?


Consider changing the word form, grammar, and overall structure. Word replacement may not be enough for scrambling a text successfully.

📜 Essay Scrambling Examples: Correct & Incorrect

At least once, you will have to paraphrase a passage without our essay scrambler. Free examples of good and bad rephrasing techniques will demonstrate what you can and cannot do. That’s why we’ve provided them below!

Example #1: Unsuccessful Rewrite

Source Text

The potential benefits of the Internet are numerous and range from the simple improvement of communications to a revolution in commerce and an increased potential for increasing the democratic involvement of citizens, whether in the nation-state or some level of political engagement.

Incorrect Paraphrase

The potential benefits of the Internet range from the simple improvement of communications to a revolution in commerce and an increased potential for increasing the democratic involvement of citizens, whether in the nation-state or some level of political engagement.

This paragraph is an example of bad paraphrasing as nothing has been changed in the text. You won’t be able to use it because it will be considered plagiarism.

Example #2: Unsuccessful Rewrite

Source Text

The Internet is an international medium, and although views will differ on how it should be managed in other ways, all countries should be able to agree on legislation for child abuse and pornography. Balancing the need to protect minors with the need to maintain freedom of expression is continuing to prove difficult.

Incorrect Paraphrase

The Internet is an international forum, and opinions might differ on how it should be regulated in some ways. Still, everyone should agree on child abuse and pornography laws. Assessing the need to safeguard minors with the requirement to preserve freedom of expression is difficult.

Some parts differ from the source, but the word order remains the same. Besides, the information is provided similarly. Thus, the text can still be penalized because it is an example of Mosaic plagiarism.

Example #3: Successful Rewrite

Source Text

Since legal scholars, as opposed to historians of law, tend to write about their legal system, they often adopt an internal perspective without arguing for their choice or even indicating conscious awareness of it. This might suggest that their approach embodies nothing more than intellectual naivety. But as Alfred Schutz (1962, pp. 3-66) and others have suggested, an internal perspective allows the observer to actively participate in the social system – or, more precisely, in the social practice being studied. It thus provides a separate mode of understanding that cannot be duplicated by external observation. The social scientist who views institutions from the outside obtains insights into their causes and effects but only inadequately understands the meaning that the institution possesses for its members. Because such meanings are components of a comprehensive lifeworld, as complex as that of an observer, they cannot be fully understood unless the observer participates on the same terms as the members.

Correct Paraphrase

Rubin (2010) comments that the internal perspective of legal scholars may have some advantages. He notes that although this focus on their area of law may be an unconscious oversight, many commentators (including Schutz, 1962, cited in Rubin, 2010) have suggested that legal scholars may have a greater understanding of how the law works within their own social context than that of historians of law, who tend to view the legal system from outside. This understanding, Rubin argues, is something not as accessible to external observers. These external perspectives may provide a sense of reasons and consequences but may also miss the broader insight into how that system is experienced by its participants. By observing and commenting on the legal system from the inside, legal scholars can gain insights into each aspect of this ‘comprehensive lifeworld’ (Rubin 2010:549).

It is an example of a very effective paraphrasing. Not only does the writer provide synonyms, but they attempt to shift the information order. It also uses references to the original text. The overall example demonstrates a strong understanding of the material.

Example #4: Successful Rewrite

Source Text

As performers of the Western classical repertoire, we are acutely aware of the subtle interplay of our bodies and minds and of how these elements generally develop through the course of our life histories, but also, and more specifically, how they function during a music rehearsal process. The performance of the rehearsed music has different physical, mental, and social demands, and we sometimes react in a way that heightens and sometimes inhibits the music we have learned. To date, researchers in music psychology have tended to emphasize the cognitive growth of the musician, looking at how knowledge of musical structures emerges. The role of the body in the production of the work has been relatively underplayed. The current paper provides evidence and discussion to explore the ways in which the body can be regarded as being central to the formation of musical knowledge and its expression of it.

Correct Paraphrase

Davidson and Correia (2001) explain how the cognitive growth of the musician has been the focus of much music psychology research. This has often meant an emphasis on looking at the development of musical structures. In contrast, they argue that the ‘role of the body in the production of the work has been relatively underplayed’ (2001:71). Performers of Western music tend to know the inter-relationship between the body and the mind. There is also awareness amongst performers of how this relationship may change over a lifetime with the effect of performing and all the challenges that present. These could be mental, physical, or social, and the reactions to these challenges can cause both positive and negative responses in terms of a given performance.

This example also shows how the writer can change the words and the information order. Additionally, a direct quote is used to draw attention to the central thought. Overall, the style and tone differ from the source text.

Thank you for reading our article! We hope our tool was helpful throughout the process. Further down, you can find the answers to the most common questions regarding our essay scrambler. Note that you can try our summary machine if you need to make a summary quickly. We also offer a collection of free study apps that will match your other needs. Tell your friends about these online instruments if you find them helpful!

❔ Essay Scrambler: FAQ

❔ What is an essay scrambler?

An essay scrambler is a paraphrasing tool that helps paraphrase any academic text. The instrument can rewrite articles and create original content in no time. It doesn’t alter the intended meaning or style. Plus, it is completely free to use.

❔ How do I make my essay not plagiarized with your tool?

Copy and paste the text you need scrambled. Then, click the only button on the page and enjoy the result! The writing software works effortlessly by converting the text and preserving the intended meaning. So, you won’t have to worry about any plagiarism.

❔ Do essay scramblers work?

Of course. An essay scramble is powerful software, despite its limitations. It won’t write new content from scratch or predict the terminology you want to use. It will also not change any facts, grammar, or other mistakes. However, it will rewrite the essay or any other academic text you need without changing its meaning.


📍 References

  1. Word Choice | The Writing Center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  2. Identifying Good and Bad Paraphrases | ELTC Language Resources, the University of Sheffield
  3. Avoiding Plagiarism – Paraphrasing | Academic Integrity at MIT
  4. Quoting and Paraphrasing | The Writing Center, UW–Madison