About BeesyPapers

Your curiosity about us is very much appreciated!

We are willing to be completely open about the website in order to remain a trustworthy source of free essay samples. Your trust is our primary tool for enhancing our clients’ experience.

By creating this resource, we try to aid people who are frustrated with their studies. You don’t need to bother your friends with your assignments anymore.

Our bedrock principles are:

Solid standards
We make sure that every paper on the website has the highest quality possible. There are no grammatical, stylistic, or spelling flaws. You are given only the best.
Complete originality
The plagiarism of our essays is nonexistent. All works are created by actual students and sent to us voluntarily. We store only fresh and original papers.
Great utility
We underline and clarify every detail necessary to make writing easier for you. The structure of every essay is explained. It will be simple to implement our samples into your work.
Our website is entirely free to utilize! No hidden paywalls or catches. We strive to help people in need, not to make money.
Wide variety
The website’s database has almost every business subject available in it. There’s a very little chance you won’t be able to find the thing you need. And if you won’t, be sure to check it later!

Our Background

It all started in 2020. Two students from UNC Chapel Hill were utterly swamped with essay assignments. As a matter of fact, their whole class was. At times like this, exchanging works is a common thing. It helps with inspiration and can give an idea or two for your own paper.

We all have been there.

In the end, this exchange process inspired them to create a website. A free database that would store a significant number of essay samples for everyone to use.

Coming out with a name for the resource was never a problem. One of the students loves bees since his grandpa owns an apiary. So, once they’d got proper funding, they created BeesyPapers.com.